In line with the advice from the Dutch Government on the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 we unfortunately had to interupt our 24th Cat B class mid-March. Most students returned back to Nigeria, Oman and Bahrain. However, three international students could not return home. Last week these students and two Dutch students finished 13-week theoretical course in IJmuiden. The remaining lectures were given online. The final exams were made in class with a safe distance from each other.
The Educational Survey Project was supported by G2 Surveys with two smaller vessels. One survey vessel for shallow water at the entrance of the port of Lauwersoog and the G2Xception to execute a survey part of the shipping lanes (at open sea). The first day was spend to measure all details of the lay-out of the vessels. On the second day the two vessels were calibrated and the survey data was collected. On the third day all data was processed and the final report was written. All students successfully completed the Educational Survey Project.
Skilltrade is proud of these students who completed their training during this social crisis.
We hope to complete the Cat B training of the remaining students in October. This will be another tailor-made programme, with the health and safety of the students and teachers in mind.