Multibeam Echosounders

Target group

This course is not only intended for people who have no previous experience with swathe sounders, but also for people who already work with swathe systems. It is recommended to take this training as part of a curriculum with Underwater Acoustics and Positioning, Motion & Timing. 


Prerequisite training

Using / knowledge of Multibeam sounding systems in actual practice or the Skilltrade Introduction to Hydrography course.  



This course deals with the principles, installation and how to use Multibeam echo sounders or path sounders. The course provides more background information and insight into external criterions for the operational use of swathe systems. Furthermore, this course gives sufficient background information for students to be able to follow specific system software courses. Also the relevant subject matters from underwater acoustics and positioning will be dealt with.  


The following subjects are dealt with: 

Principle of path sounder 

Underwater Acoustics

Scanning Sonar

Multibeam Echo sounders: Principle, Applications, Data Interpretation 

Installation & Calibration

Using multibeam Echo sounders: Coverage, Multibeam adjustments 

Data processing: Filter adjustments, Validation, Presentation 


Duration & Location

This basic multibeam training will take 4 instructor led online lessons of three hours (using Microsoft Teams). If there is sufficient interest, the course can be customized to your needs and it can be given at any desired location. 



On request                                       


Starting date 

On request 



Certificate of attendance 



Thinking of taking this training with us? Please contact us for enquiries.